It's the Most Wonderful Time for Training
Jan 20, 2023"Twas the month before the New Year, when in December boards across the country are electing their new “Security Officer!” Telephone calls and emails from financial institutions wanting to know where they can get training for the new security officer start being received. Many of our clients will call telling us that the old security officer left after twenty years of service, leaving behind only a written security program and no one having been trained in over a year. We have even had some people retire and exclaim "if you have a problem, call Barry!" As this year comes to a close, we will answer the question of where can we get training.
January 17, 2023
We will be conducting the only program in the country that explains to new credit union security officers what is expected of them. It is a 90 minute webinar entitled Beginning Security Officer: Dues, Don'ts & Compliance. The link for more information is beginning-security-officer- dos-donts-compliance
January 18, 2023
We will be conducting a program for Beginning Security Officer: Dues, Don'ts & Compliance. for banks. Again, this is a program informing the new security officer exactly what they are responsible for. If you are a new security officer, this link is for you: beginning-security-officer- dos-donts-compliance
Not everyone is happy with a 90 minute introduction to learn about a new job function. If you are a banker, you might want to attend our virtual security school for the new security officer. On February 28 to March 2, 2023, we will be teaching a three day program covering topics that a security officer is required to handle, such as how to conduct an investigation, internal fraud, and other subjects to be announced next month. You can find this training at If you don’t like learning virtually, you can attend this same program live at St. Paul, Minnesota on August 28 -30, 2023. More details about this program will be available at a later date.
Another program we teach for new security officers is normally held in November for the Texas Bankers Association in San Antonio, Texas. At this three-day conference, the first day is designed specifically for new security officers. The next two days of this program is for the seasoned security officers, and draws attendees from across the United States. By attending the first day, new security officers won't be unfamiliar with the terminology being used on the next two days of the program.
Remember to watch for the state associations and leagues training programs that we conduct across the country during the year. These conferences are targeted to the problems your state is having and often include open discussions for unique situations your financial institution is experiencing. You'll find these programs that our subject matter experts are teaching in our monthly newsletter. What sets us apart is that our instructors have worked for banks and know exactly what you are facing. If we haven’t taught a program in your state recently, let your state association know you would like to have us back!
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